The third meeting of 2017 took place in October, in Spain. Presentations here updated the group on progress in the story, as well as introducing some work on illustrations. Spain's itinerary was jam-packed and gave students great educational and cultural opportunities.
Workshops were organised to help students better understand the value and use of pictures. Also to develop linguistically more adequate visual narratives for their project stories and further afield.

The third part of the Erasmus-Project „Literary Heroes“ took place at the Ramon Giraldo High School in Villanueva de los Infantes from the 22.10.2017 to the 27.10.2017.
Under the supervision of StRin Scherzer and StR Bischoff the students continued to work on their stories about the literary heroes. In workshops they learned about different artistic techniques such as typography or how to draw comics to illustrate their written narrations.
Apart from working on their stories, the students also came in contact with the country and the culture of La Mancha, they attended a Flamenco-Workshop, visited the medieval town Toledo, where the religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianityhave already met in the early Middle Ages. They also got the chance to get to know the city of Madrid. They got to explore the city through strolls, a sightseeing tour, and a visit to the royal palace and the museum Reina Sofia including Picasso’s famous painting “Guernica”.
Apart from all the aspects mentioned the students got to broaden their understanding and tolerance of other cultures by also strengthening the international friendships between the participating nations Spain, Poland, Norway, Ireland and Germany.