About our Project : Literary Heroes
Studying and teaching literature and creative writing are at the core of our project. These basic literacy skills are necessary to further develop the abilities of our students in their native and foreign language and to promote empowerment and participation in their daily lives. All participating schools have identified the need to boost literacy and strengthen it's status in their curricula. Good literacy skills are very important and rightfully identified by the EU as "the gateway to all further learning." Therefore in combating low literacy levels, the project also aims to combat reasons for early school leaving and the resulting unemployment. It is hoped that this common project 'Literary Heroes', combined with the huge variety of existing and developing programs in each school, will increase the competency levels of students across traditional, digital and audio-visual literacy in the next 2 years (2016-2018)
The quote "A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles" by Christopher Reeve, an actor famous for embodying Superman on the big screen, contains the concise message why heroes are needed as a source of inspiration or guidance. In the opinion of the participant schools in this project, heroes play an important role in the lives of our students. They meet them in books, video games or on TV not knowing that their own area might have some heroes of its own to offer. Some might be more famous than others, but together they all make up a common story of each local community. It is very important for the youth of today to understand where they are coming from and to learn more about the local traditions and stories.
The chief goal of our project is to create individual narratives featuring a hero from each country, chosen by the students, to include cultural content and locations from across the 5 partner countries. These stories will be gathered together and form a book to be printed in 2018.
See the link below for more information on the Erasmus + programme.